Over 250 charges have been brought against a couple from Georgia after a six-month-long investigation into a horrific bestiality and animal neglect case.

When a school bus and trailer broke down in Adams County, Pennsylvania last year, police came to investigate. They discovered well over 30 neglected animals inside the vehicles and nightmarish conditions — including feces scattered everywhere. Tragically, several dogs were euthanized and three birds died from malnutrition. The animals were reportedly acquired by the couple through Facebook Marketplace.

The animals were seized and examinations revealed that several of them, including a pony, behaved in a manner that suggested they had been sexually traumatized. The pony sadly did not survive. Further investigation showed that the man, Shawn Hirschbine, allegedly solicited money from people who watched him engage in bestiality.

Hirschbine faces 123 charges, while his girlfriend, Deanna Huff, faces 129. These include cruelty and neglect of animals, firearms offenses, and criminal conspiracy. Authorities are searching for Huff and have taken Hirschbine into custody, according to abc27 News.

Hirschbine has been convicted of neglecting animals inside a vehicle before; two years prior, authorities found the couple with a different group of animals living inside a trailer.

The vulnerable animals who were confined in these vehicles and allegedly sexually abused deserve justice.

Thank you to everyone who has signed our petition for justice for these animals. With over 42,000 signatures so far, we are sending a message that the animals in this case matter. If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to sign the petition to speak up for these innocent animals.