First Ever Lab-Grown Meat for Dogs Hits Shelves in the UK
In a groundbreaking move, dog treats made from lab-grown meat are now available for purchase in...
Lady Freethinker keeps you up to date on the latest animal welfare news, exposing animal cruelty and empowering everyone to take action. Understanding how animals are harmed in medical tests, exploited for food and entertainment, and abused by their own caretakers enables us to make informed decisions about how our actions affect the creatures who share our planet.
In a groundbreaking move, dog treats made from lab-grown meat are now available for purchase in...
A police deputy valiantly rescued a large ocean sunfish who had become trapped in shallow water on...
South Korea passed legislation to outlaw the dog meat trade just over a year ago, and according to...
Almost 20,000 endangered or protected live animals were seized during Operation Thunder – a...
A puppy mill operator, who was previously convicted for keeping animals in atrocious conditions,...
A former dog trainer in Indiana – who abandoned eight dogs in horrifying conditions – recently...
With temperatures in Knoxville, Tennessee dropping to single digits this winter, outdoor dogs...
An Alabama woman – who allegedly worked with co-conspirators to share and fund sadistic torture...
A recent study found that the tiger population in India has more than doubled in a 12-year period,...
A mother dog – who was shot four times after birthing 11 puppies – is making a slow but steady...
The city council of Detroit, Michigan, unanimously passed an ordinance on January 28 to ban the...
A Pakistani YouTuber with roughly 5.6 million subscribers, was recently court-ordered to create...
With all the latest animal cruelty news circulating the internet, it's sometimes difficult to step back and feel good about your efforts.
At Lady Freethinker, we recognize how important it is to highlight heartwarming stories about successful dog and cat adoptions, inform readers about new bills and laws that protect pets and wildlife, show the progress of organizations that help animals, and provide updates when animal abusers are prosecuted for their crimes.