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Lalla Joumala Alaoui, Ambassador of Morocco to the US.
[email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Ambassador of Morocco to the U.S. Lalla Joumala Alaoui

UPDATE (6/1/2022): We sent our petition, signed by more than 46,000 people, to the Ambassador of Morocco to protest this cruel situation. Thank you to everyone who signed our petition to advocate for these innocent animals. We will keep doing all we can to fight for animals everywhere. — Lady Freethinker Staff


In Agadir, Morocco, authorities are dumping street dogs in a hellish “pound” without access to any food or water. Left to starve, the desperate dogs have started to turn on one other, attacking and eating the weakest among them just to stay alive.

In the dusty, bare compound, the ground is piled high with feces. Without vaccinations, healthcare or a sterilization program, sick dogs are giving birth to puppies in these appalling conditions. They have no chance of survival.

Volunteers from Morocco Animal Aid (MAA) are doing everything possible to help these emaciated, dying animals. However, authorities are denying that these horrors are even happening and actively refusing MAA access to the site.

In spite of restrictions, the charity rescues the sickest dogs when they can, but are already overloaded. When they are allowed access, they fill up water containers and clean up piles of filth, but it’s not enough.

The government of Morocco must stop rounding up dogs and dumping them in this disgusting place. They need to take action and provide adequate care for these animals, and enact a spay/neuter program.

Sign this petition urging Ambassador of Morocco to the US Alaoui to urge the Moroccan government to save these dogs and develop more humane ways to deal with strays in their country.