French authorities, in connection with an investigation into crimes related to child pornography, drug trafficking and fraudulent transactions on the platform, arrested Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram. Animal protection groups Lady Freethinker and Action for Primates are also calling for an investigation into the role of Telegram as a hub for global animal torture rings.

In particular, the animal groups highlight the role of Telegram in facilitating the torture and killing of baby monkeys for online “entertainment.” Monkey torture gangs that have established themselves on Telegram are responsible for developing extreme torture methods, collecting money from members and then commissioning people in Indonesia and other countries to carry them out. These people get “pleasure” from watching helpless and vulnerable infant monkeys – some just a few days old – in terror and pain fighting for their lives. The extreme cruelty inflicted upon the baby monkeys include being doused in flammable liquid and set alight; having parts of their body cut off, including limbs, genitals, fingers and toes; having their bones broken with a hammer; having their heads squeezed in a clamp; being beaten viciously; and having their eyes drilled out with a power tool.

Action for Primates and Lady Freethinker have spent three years investigating the disturbing world of online animal torture. Some of the sadistic and perverted behavior displayed by group members on Telegram is not only cruel, but are unlawful, and law enforcement agencies in the USA and the UK have taken action against several people. In the USA, individuals have been charged with creating and distributing “animal crush” videos, which is a federal crime punishable by up to seven years in prison under the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT Act). Some members have already been convicted and imprisoned, including Kenneth Herrera, a Wisconsin pharmacist, sentenced to one year in prison for creating, selling and distributing an animal crushing video. Attorney Philip Colt Moss has, together with Nicholas Dryden and Giancarlo Morelli, been charged with conspiracy to create and distribute “animal crush” videos. All three are awaiting trial. Videos alleged to have been created as part of the conspiracy included depictions of monkeys having their genitals burned; having their genitals cut with scissors; being sodomized with a wooden skewer; and being sodomized with a spoon.

In the UK, two women — Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme — who were also members of a global monkey torture group run by an individual who called himself “TortureKing,” have pleaded guilty to charges of publishing an obscene article by uploading images of monkey torture and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. The women were part of a group on Telegram that shared ideas for custom-made torture videos. They are waiting to be sentenced. In April 2024, “TortureKing” himself – Michael McCartney of Virginia – pleaded guilty to conspiracy to create and distribute animal crushing videos.

Lady Freethinker and Action for Primates are urging authorities to investigate the role of Telegram in enabling these disturbing monkey torture groups. By allowing individuals and groups to operate for months, even years, on its platform, Telegram is enabling animal cruelty fetishists to connect and escalate their cruel and illegal activities to sickening levels.