One week after a devastating fire destroyed the Greek seaside resort town of Mati, an unexpected survivor was discovered. This adorable poodle mix was found cowering in an outdoor oven. His white coat was burnt yellow and coated with ash. After spending several hours trying to lure the pooch with food and water, rescuers finally succeeded in coaxing him out of hiding.
The pup’s survival is somewhat of a miracle, after the fire killed at least 91 people and hundreds of animals. According to authorities, the fire was set deliberately. Rescuers continue to search for the remaining 25 missing individuals as authorities investigate the horrific crime in hopes of bringing the arsonist to justice.
Once the fire was set, it spread quickly, turning the town into a “deathtrap with few exit routes.” Some residents sought refuge by going into the sea. Others, including many retirees, tried desperately to escape the flames.
In the aftermath of such an unspeakable tragedy, the furry little survivor was a welcomed sign of life. He was taken to a vet, where he was examined, bathed, and groomed. The vet named him Loukoumaki, which translates to “sweet treat.”
Loukoumaki is expected to make a full recovery and is now in the care of a foster mom. Rescuers aren’t sure if he was a stray or if his owner perished in the fire.
Watch this video to experience the heartwarming moment when Loukoumaki finally emerges from the oven and greets his kind rescuers.