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Minks, foxes, and other innocent animals exploited for their fur suffer in tiny cages before being bludgeoned, gassed, or electrocuted to death.

Sometimes, they are even skinned alive, as was documented during a Lady Freethinker investigation of Chinese farms.

Many fashion brands have gone fur-free because of investigations like ours and subsequent activist campaigns, yet Berluti remains one of the holdouts.

While it has removed fur from its online store after facing pressure from activists, an LFT member recently discovered a parka with a fox fur hood trim and a leather jacket lined with mink at the Berluti store in New York City.

Berluti’s parent company, LVMH, represents several other brands that sell fur and is the target of another LFT petition.

The suffering and agonizing deaths endured by these individual foxes and mink are incomprehensible, but changemakers like you can band together against this injustice and create a powerful message that can’t be ignored.

Sign our petition urging Berluti to officially adopt a fur-free policy and immediately discontinue the sale of fur products in its physical stores.