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PETITION TARGET:  South Korean Ambassador Ahn Ho-young

UPDATE:  We are thrilled to announce that the Moran Dog Meat Market is shut down for good! Thanks to everyone who spoke out against this cruel market.

The last remaining dog slaughter facility at S. Korea’s notorious Moran Market is defying local orders to close, and has resumed the brutal killing of dogs.

Following a local ban on dog meat sales at the market, government officials dismantled the venue and seized their equipment. But the owner was able to retrieve the equipment, and has restarted his dog murdering business. We must speak out to shut this cruel vendor down for good.

Officials reportedly cannot enforce the market’s new dog meat ban until a final court ruling —  but we must let them know the world is watching, and implore them to take every step possible to keep this gruesome slaughter facility out of business so that no more innocent dogs are tortured and killed.

Sign this petition urging the South Korean ambassador to do everything in his power to shut this vendor down for good, and work to ban all dog and cat meat in the nation.