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Namyangju Mayor Cho Kwang-Han; https://www.nyj.go.kr/english/2034

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PETITION TARGET: Namyangju Mayor Cho Kwang-han

UPDATE (3/1/2021): The city of Namyangju announced via press release that the Nakwon Auction House has shuttered and all the dogs have been removed from the premises.  The city leveraged fines against the auction house’s owner for building the facility without authorization, and Mayor Cho Kwang-han has emphasized the city is poised to crack down on any additional illegal activity.

Help us keep up the fight by asking S. Korea to ban all sales of dog meat!


UPDATE (12/10/20): We have learned that Mayor Cho Kwang-han is issuing a demolition order against Nakwon Auction House. We must make sure the city follows through on this order!

Undercover footage from Lady Freethinker shows horrifying cruelty at the Nakwon Auction House in Namyangju, South Korea, thought to be the largest remaining dog meat auction house in the country.

Amid the annual Bok Nal “dog eating days,” this auction house of horrors sold more than 200 “meat” dogs in mere hours.


Held captive in cramped, dirty metal cages, the terrified, cowering dogs yelped in terror as an auctioneer poked them with a metal rod, selling the helpless animals off to the highest bidder.

In a cruel twist of irony, “Nakwon” refers to paradise in the Korean language. But this hellish facility is more nightmare than paradise for the dogs trapped inside.

The dogs held captive here are either bought for human consumption or for breeding, forced to raise more dogs who will be tortured for the meat trade. The industry often kills its victims through inhumane methods like electrocuting or hanging, resulting in an agonizing death.

South Korea is the only country in the world that operates large-scale, commercial dog meat farms, even though most residents don’t eat dog meat. But with Korean citizens increasingly protesting the trade, markets and auction houses have been closing rapidly in recent years.

Add your voice to help shut down this appalling auction house, sparing countless more dogs from ending up on dinner plates. Sign this petition urging the mayor of Namyangju to close the Nakwon Auction House and end the cycle of cruelty and suffering.

Help even more after signing by sending emails to city officials:
To: gbelt37@naver.com, marlon21@korea.kr, kbj1005@korea.kr, mdada@korea.kr, ch1204@korea.kr, anachron@korea.kr, kimjb11@korea.kr

Subject: Nakwon Auction House


As COVID19 causes chaos all over the world, you must know that it is incredibly important to not only regulate dog farming and close dog auction houses but to perhaps find alternative solutions to the consumption of dog meat in order to prevent the next global pandemic from taking root. Presently, the dog meat auction house in Namyangju is illegally operating on land owned by the city. We wholeheartedly support your efforts to enforce its closure in an effort show other cities that change can only come from taking action. Together we can make Namyangju a city to be recognized for positive contributions to society and help them become a leader in setting standards for others to follow.

Your compassion and strength of conviction to take on this fight is inspiring and respected by thousands of us around the world. The inhumane treatment of dogs and cats throughout Asia has become a global issue but I truly believe through working together, understanding nationalities, and finding mutually acceptable practices, we will be able to provide alternative and sustainable solutions and end this nightmare before us.
          Thank you for being a part of the solution.
           친애하는 남양주 공무원분들께:
             COVID19가 전 세계적으로 혼란을 야기하고 있습니다. 공무원분들께서 개 사육장과 인근 개 경매장을 규제하는 것뿐만 아니라 개고기 소비의 대안적인 해결책을 찾는 것이 다음 세계적인 유행병이 뿌리를 내리              지 않도록 하는 매우 중요한 점입니다. 현재 남양주의 개고기 경매장은 시가 소유한 토지에 불법으로 운영되고 있습니다. 도시들이 변화를 취하는 것만이 변화를 가져올 수 있다는 것을 보여주기 위해, 폐점을 강                행하려는 공무원분들의 노력을 진심으로 지지합니다. 우리는 함께, 남양주를 사회에 긍정적인 기여를 하는 인정받는 도시로 만들고, 다른 도시들이 따를 수 있는 기준을 마련하는 데 선도자가 되도록 도울 수 있               습니다.
이 싸움에 임하는 공무원분들의 연민과 신념의 힘은 전 세계 수천명의 사람들에게 영감을 주며, 우리는 여러분을 존경하고 있습니다. 아시아 전역에서 개와 고양이에 대한 비인간적인 대우는 세계적인 이슈가 되었지만, 저는 진심을 담아 함께 일하고 국적을 이해하며 상호수용 가능한 관행을 찾음으로써, 대안적이고 지속 가능한 해결책을 제공할 수 있고, 우리 앞에 놓인 이 악몽을 끝낼 수 있을 것이라고 믿습니다.
해결책의 일부가 되어주신 것에 대해 감사드립니다.