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Miami-Dade Police Department Director Juan J Perez: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Miami-Dade PD Director Juan J. Perez

UPDATE (5/9/2023): Unfortunately, an arrest was never made in this case, a Miami-Dade police lieutenant told LFT. Police canvassed the area, obtained video footage from people near the incident, and spoke with neighbors but were not able to generate any leads. The lieutenant said that a necropsy (animal autopsy) revealed that the dog had been burned after he or she died. We are disappointed that no one was held accountable for this horrific crime. We thank everyone who signed our petition and will keep doing all we can for animals everywhere. —Lady Freethinker Staff


All that was left was a charred corpse on the pavement — evidence of a horrifying crime. A small, helpless dog was likely hit by a car, after which the driver dragged the bleeding body to the side of the road and lit the animal on fire.

Responding to a call, the first officer on the scene used a fire extinguisher to douse the flames. But the dog, thought to be a terrier mix or pit bull, was already burned beyond recognition.

Residents are shocked by the heinous act. One neighbor reported seeing a vehicle with its headlights aimed at a dog who was on fire in the early morning hours.

The Animal Services Department is investigating the incident and will perform a necropsy to find out how the dog died. Investigators suspect the animal was hit by a vehicle before being set on fire, as they found a bloodstain on the street near the body.

Regardless of how the dog died, they deserved better — not to be set on fire or treated in such a callous and inhumane manner.

Sign this petition urging Director Juan J. Perez to conduct a thorough investigation to find whoever is responsible and hold them accountable. Help prevent the perpetrator from harming any more innocent beings by sending a message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.

Anyone with information on this case is urged to call 311 for Animal Services or Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers for Miami-Dade Police at 305 471-TIPS (8477).