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The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark

UPDATE (11/10/20): The Danish Government admitted there is no legal basis for the mass cull and will immediately halt killing million of mink, according to BBC. “Even if we were in a rush, it should have been completely clear to us that new legislation was required, and it was not,” said Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. “I apologize for that.” The government recommends mink farmers continue with the cull, but they are not required to do so until legislation that will be put forward soon is passed.

Amid a COVID-19 outbreak that has spread to humans, up to 17 million mink are set to be killed in Denmark’s largest-ever mass mink culling, according to BBC News.

It should never have come to this.

The impending deaths of millions of mink, together with the severe cruelty and ever-present risks to public health, clearly show why the gruesome fur farming industry must end at once.

The emergence of zoonotic diseases has been linked to agricultural intensification for years. From coronaviruses and MRSA to swine or bird flu and salmonella, farming animals has proven dangerous to animals and people. Fur coats are not worth millions of lives.

We must protect innocent animals and people from death and disease. 

Sign this petition urging the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark to ban fur farming in the nation for good.