A 16-year-old-cat not only survived a recent Tennessee tornado but was reunited with her family — all thanks to a sharp-eyed social media user.

When tornadoes struck Tennessee on Dec. 9 and 10, the damage was devastating, displacing thousands of people and animals, destroying homes, and killing at least 6 people, according to The New York Times.

Local resident Erica Williams was scrolling through social media during the aftermath of the tornadoes, looking for ways she could help the people and animals affected. While watching a video of footage of the destruction posted by her friend Ricky Sessum, she paused and zoomed in, she recalled to People.

In the midst of the rubble, she spotted an orange cat sleeping peacefully on a pillow, unnoticed by rescuers.

“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, that is a little kitty cat!” she told news.

Quickly Williams messaged Sessum to go back to the spot he filmed the video, where he found the cat and took him to his truck to warm him up.

Williams raced to meet Sessum and rushed the cat to a nearby urgent care while Sessum started searching for the feline’s family on social media.

The senior cat – who is named Sandy – was reunited with his family after they saw the social media post.

We applaud these two good Samaritans for their incredible work getting Sandy back to his family amidst a disaster and are happy that Sandy is relaxing at home with his loving family.

To hear another incredible story, read about the heartwarming rescue of an injured owl.