A mother dog – who was shot four times after birthing 11 puppies – is making a slow but steady recovery in Southwest Memphis, TN, according to People.
Local police were notified about an animal in need of assistance. When they arrived on the scene, a man informed officers that he shot her because she charged at his family.
The puppies, who were just “days old,” were rescued alongside their wounded mom, according to police.
X-rays showed that one bullet passed through the mama dog, but the other three remained lodged in her body – fortunately missing vital organs. Her shoulder blade was also grazed, which resulted in bone fragments spreading, and another bullet may have bruised her spinal cord.
Streetdog Foundation, a rescue organization that helped rescue “Mama” and her puppies, is hoping she won’t need an operation, as there is a chance the bullets in her body could stabilize.
Just two days after the mama dog was rescued, the nonprofit posted a video documenting her recovery, showing her walking and taking fantastic care of her puppies. They are hoping to find someone who can foster the entire family.
“The sweet girl is a fighter, a fighter, and a genuinely incredible mom,” Streetdog said.
Lady Freethinker commends the incredible efforts of Streetdog Foundation and Grace Animal Hospital for giving Mama and her babies the love, support, and care they need.