An elephant herd in South Africa’s Addo Elephant National Park worked together to rescue a baby elephant who appeared to be in danger of drowning.

The tiniest member of the herd was attempting to drink from the pool of water, as seen by a witness, when the mud appeared to give way. The baby elephant suddenly slid down the embankment and was unable to get back out.

The herd instantly took notice. Several larger elephants rushed to try to pull the baby out with their trunks, but the baby could not grab hold.

“There was an immediate sense of panic in the entire herd,” Jolandi De Klerk, who filmed the incident, told Latest Sightings.

The video shows the frightened baby crying for help, and the distressed elephant family trumpeting in response as nearly all of them reached for the baby.

Then, one member of the herd appeared to have a new idea. The larger elephant rushed to a different side of the pool and climbed down the embankment and into the muddy water. A second elephant, who appeared to see what the elephant was thinking, followed along to help. Together, the larger elephants waded through the water and pushed the exhausted baby to a shallower embankment so the baby could walk out of the mud.

“As the baby came out of the water hole, the entire herd had a sense of relief, and so did we,” De Kler added. “[The baby] was now happily reunited with his family and safe from the muddy struggle he was in.”

Elephants are incredibly intelligent, social animals who give each other names and form strong family bonds. As this incident shows, they’re also empathetic creatures who work together to protect their young.

For another happy elephant rescue story, read about how a baby elephant was safely reunited with his mom.