A deer trapped in a freezing lake, surrounded by ice and snow, was heroically rescued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officers and a man with a crane.

After getting into a tricky spot on an icy lake, this young buck was in dire need of saving. Luckily, a crane operator happened to be nearby and teamed up with the wildlife officers to get the deer to safety.

The officers were able to sedate the deer and place him into what was said to be “a Snuggie-like contraption,” according to a CPW social post.

rescued deer

“Snuggied” Deer (Courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

With the crane operator’s help, they were able to lift the deer to safety.

Officers gently removed the deer’s blindfold and the deer, unhurt, was then released back into a nearby forested area. The officers and crane operator saw the bull darting toward the woods, according to the Denver Post.

We applaud the CPW officers and the helpful crane operator on their rescue of this deer in a slippery situation. To read another incredible rescue story, click here to see how an elk tangled in a swing was saved.