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Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke: [email protected] // Senate Leader Chuck Winder: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke and Senate President Pro Tempore Chuck Winder

UPDATE (6/13/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 39,000 people, to legislators in Idaho. Sadly, animal torture remains a misdemeanor on first offense. We will continue to look for opportunities to advocate for stronger laws for animals in Idaho and everywhere. Thank you to everyone who signed our petition. — Lady Freethinker Staff


An innocent cat named Tigger gasped for air as his attacker strangled him to death using a zip-tie, just for appearing on a neighbor’s doorstep in Fremont County, Idaho.

The killer then stabbed Tigger in the neck with a knife and threw him outside like garbage, according to East Idaho News.

Officials found the tiny orange kitten surrounded in frozen blood when they arrived on scene. Caden Glenn Armstrong, 21, who admitted to killing Tigger simply because he dislikes the cat’s guardian, is spending just 180 days in jail after pleading guilty to misdemeanor animal cruelty and drug charges. Prosecutors dropped felony drug-related charges in exchange for Armstrong’s guilty plea.

Tigger’s life is worth more than 180 days in jail. He deserves justice for his untimely and despicable death.

By sentencing Armstrong to such a light punishment, prosecutors and state legislators are telling people it’s okay to commit fatal animal cruelty in Idaho. This is dangerous for both humans and animals, as the link between animal abuse and violent crime has long been established.

Sign this petition urging Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke and Senate Leader Chuck Winder to support and pass stronger animal cruelty laws in the state, including making animal torture a felony.