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Governor Yoo Cheon Ho

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29,207 signatures

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PETITION TARGET: Governor Yoo Cheon Ho

UPDATE: Lady Freethinker’s petition was hand-delivered: You can read about this update here. We’ll keep doing all we can for animals! —Lady Freethinker Staff


Right now, thousands of dogs are being tortured and slaughtered at more than 250 illegal dog meat farms in Ganghwa Island County (part of Incheon City), South Korea.

These helpless animals are crammed into tiny metal cages before their captors brutally kill them by electrocution, hanging, beating, or even boiling them alive. Imagine the terror these innocent dogs feel as they are forced to watch their cage-mates murdered right in front of them.

These farms operate in direct violation of S. Korea’s waste management, environmental and animal protection laws. It’s time to shut them down end dog and cat meat in the county for good.

Sign this petition urging Governor Yoo Cheon Ho to enforce South Korea’s  laws and close all facilities that violate them, saving these innocent animals from a horrific death.

Save Korean Dogs founder Nami Kim will personally deliver this petition to the governor of Ganghwa Island County — your voice will be heard!

Remember that each of us has the power to make a difference for these animals. Recently, a similar petition was presented to the mayor of Gimpo, South Korea with more than 40,000 signatures. The mayor then pledged to take action to help the animals of the city, bringing us one step closer to ending their notorious dog meat farms for good.

Let’s put our voices together to save the dogs of Ganghwa Island County.