After what was supposed to be a simple playdate, Kate Moss, a bulldog looking for the perfect forever home, captured the heart of celebrity actress and singer Miley Cyrus.

The bulldog, formerly known as Daisy, appeared on the doorstep of a Fresno, Calif. fire station for four consecutive nights, greeting firefighters when they returned from calls.

North Central Fire Captain Lucian Neely eventually arranged for his brother to foster Daisy, who was then relocated to an L.A.-based rescue, Wagmore Pets.

While Daisy’s past is a mystery, a veterinary exam revealed that she suffers from a host of health problems, probably due to abuse and overbreeding.

“Her insides were a mess,” Wagmore Pets owner Melissa Bacelar told KMPH.

Miley Cyrus, who has already adopted five dogs from Wagmore, thought she couldn’t possibly commit to taking in another rescue. Still determined to help, she agreed to find Daisy a forever home, fostering her for the day.

Within an hour of being together, the pop star renamed the dog “Kate Moss.” The two quickly bonded, and a day became a month. Eventually, Cyrus officially committed to adopting her newest furry friend.

After surviving a tough start to life, Kate Moss will now spend the rest of her life living in the luxury that she deserves.