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Behind every “selfie” with a wild animal is a lifetime of misery, abuse, pain, and neglect. 

Facilities that sell forced photo ops with wild animals may mislead tourists into believing animals aren’t mistreated. Animal lovers may even believe that the fee for a selfie with a wild animal goes to conservation efforts.

In reality, tigers, elephants, bears, and other wild animals exploited for selfies are treated like disposable props. The truth behind wild animal selfies is that they are cruel, not cute.

As exposed in several Lady Freethinker investigations, the cruelty lurking behind selfies with wild animals includes:

  • Animals chained or with their movement restricted
  • Animals whipped
  • Animals handled roughly or hit
  • Animals jabbed with sharp sticks or bullhooks
  • Untreated wounds or injuries
  • Malnourished animals inappropriately bottle fed
  • Infant animals stolen from their mothers
  • Animals experiencing “zoochosis” – extreme psychological stress or depression from inadequate, unnatural enclosures or captivity

Animals will continue to suffer for selfies unless we take a stand against this cruelty.

Tigers, orangutans, bears, elephants, and other wild animals deserve to live their lives free from chains and abuse. Will you take the pledge to boycott facilities that subject animals to cruel captivity for “entertainment” or selfies? 

elephant and tiger

Chained Animals (Lady Freethinker Investigations)


Sign today to vow never to participate in a forced photo op with a wild animal and add your name to the list of compassionate animal advocates speaking out against cruel wild animal photo ops. Then share this pledge with your family and friends to urge them to do the same.