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Palma City Council: Palma Town Council and Mayor José Hila, [email protected] ; this is the English website: https://www.palma.cat/portal/PALMA/home.jsp?codResi=1&language=en/ Balearic Government: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGETS: Palma City Council, Balearic Government

In a merciless move, the city of Palma, Spain, has once again declared itself a bullfighting-friendly city with a claimed “obligation” to promote the intentional torture of sentient bulls.

The city had made a compassionate change in 2015 to not champion the gruesome bullfighting events, in which bulls are harassed, speared repeatedly, and left to wallow in their own gushing blood before cheering crowds. But a new push from a political party has reversed that decision, with the Palma City Council instead citing an outdated 2013 ruling that claimed bull-fighting is a protected “cultural element.”

But the depravity doesn’t stop there. There’s also now pressure for the Balearic Government to promote these massacres to children, who currently are prevented from attending the bloody spectacles. There’s also a push to recognize bullfighting as “an integral part of Palma’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.”

A growing number of people worldwide are recognizing that intentional torture and glamorized killing of sentient animals should never be considered culture.  A recent poll found that 58 percent of Spaniards surveyed no longer support bullfighting.

The Balearic Government must not cave to these heartless demands. It’s time for Palma to continue its former progressive legacy for bulls by focusing on a path forward that’s rooted in compassion — not a retreat backward into undeniable cruelty. We must let the council know now that the world is watching and opposes this tragic reversal.

Sign our petition urging the Palma City Council to reverse this ill-fated decision and for the Balearic Government to do everything in its power to recognize and restrict the cruelty inherent in bullfighting.