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Ebay’s SVP Legal Affairs/General Counsel Marie Oh Huber https://www.ebaymainstreet.com/contact

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PETITION TARGET: Ebay’s SVP Legal Affairs/General Counsel Marie Oh Huber

UPDATE (3/31/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 35,000 people, to Ebay. Unfortunately, we have not heard of any policy changes. Lady Freethinker has since joined the Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC) to help stop exploitation of animals online, and we’ll keep doing all we can for animals. —Lady Freethinker Staff


Shot down with rifles and hacked to pieces for the ivory in their tusks, wild elephants needlessly die to be made into trinkets for people’s pleasure.

It’s all made possible because of the illegal wildlife trade — a multi-billion dollar global atrocity enabled by continued sales of illegal ivory on online shopping platforms, including Ebay.

Ebay’s policies prohibit the sale of products containing ivory. Yet researchers recently found more than 140 listings containing illegal ivory on the platform. 

They also found that Ebay only removed between 1 and 7 percent of the illegal listings they reported.  The rest of the items were sold or re-listed.

The brutal killing of elephants and the illegal sales of products containing their ivory must stop. Ebay must take action to keep elephant ivory off of its platform. 

The company already has the needed procedures in place; Ebay said it has removed 265,000 listings prohibited under its animal policy in the last two years alone and that it works closely with international and domestic law enforcement agencies.

Sign this petition urging Ebay to use all its internal and international resources to prevent, identify and stop the sale of illegal ivory on its platform and to crack down on sellers exploiting the suffering and deaths of thousands of innocent and endangered elephants.