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PETITION TARGET: Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China is infamous for the torture and slaughter of innocent dogs and cats. And now, with the coronavirus pandemic threatening all of our wellbeing, it’s clear that this festival of horrors is more than just cruel — it’s a public health risk, too. That’s why it is crucial that the government take action to stop all “celebration” of the festival in 2020 — and forever.

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has already proposed listing dogs as pets, not livestock. This is an excellent step — and we now urge officials to follow through by ending the slaughter in Yulin and across the nation.

In this brutal industry, dogs and cats are often grabbed from the streets or kidnapped from their human families, packed into cages so tight their bodies are crushed against the hard metal wire, then ruthlessly beaten and their throats slit. Those who survive this may be torched or boiled alive before meat sellers hang their lifeless bodies on hooks to sell to festival-goers.

Dogs and cats are loving, sentient beings, and we must speak out to save them from torture and death at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival and at cruel meat markets and slaughterhouses throughout China.

Sign the petition to urge the Chinese ambassador to do everything in his power to ensure that the festival does not go on in 2020 — or ever again — and to put an end to the entire dog and cat meat trade in China. It’s time to stop this cruel, unsanitary industry once and for all.