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Contacts listed in eplanning: Lynae Rogers: [email protected] and Isaac Pittman: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Bureau of Land Management

PETITION UPDATE (10/2/2024): The roundup at Little Book Cliffs resulted in three horse deaths, including a mare who broke her leg as she was chased by a helicopter, according to news. A total of 140 horses were captured.

We will continue to campaign to end cruel helicopter roundups of wild horses and thank the over 35,000 supporters who signed our petition urging these roundups in Colorado to end. – Lady Freethinker Staff


Approximately 202 wild Mustangs who call Little Book Cliffs, Colorado home are at risk of being terrorized, injured, and even killed in cruel helicopter roundups by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The agency announced plans to remove 52–112 wild horses from their natural habitat — in brutal helicopter-assisted roundups — in a press release.

Lady Freethinker has documented multiple BLM helicopter roundups and demonstrated the frequency with which innocent horses are injured or die while running for their lives from deafening, low-flying helicopters. Surviving horses pushed into corrals endure stressful transportation in crowded trucks to BLM holding facilities — where they may be separated from their families after being auctioned off.

Transporting wild horses after roundups is also dangerous. Following a recent helicopter roundup, seven horses died on the highway when the semi-truck they were inside turned over.

This suffering is inexcusable. Horses are intelligent, sensitive animals who deserve better than these nightmarish conditions.

Helicopter roundups are unnecessary. Humane alternatives to managing wild horse populations exist — including contraceptive vaccines which can be administered via darts from a distance. 

Wild horses deserve to roam their wild homes without being terrorized, injured, or killed in brutal helicopter roundups

The agency has invited public comment on the plans to remove the horses.

Sign our petition urging the BLM to stop inhumane helicopter roundups at the Little Book Cliffs site and to prioritize more humane fertility control methods in all wild horse management plans. Then, following these instructions from the BLM, share a public comment urging the BLM to use humane alternatives to helicopter roundups citing LFT’s documentation of wild horse suffering. Comments will be accepted until June 15, 2024.