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Keeping a dog chained or tethered for long periods of time is tremendously cruel. Dogs trapped at the end of a chain are denied basic needs, like exploring their surroundings, going on walks with their families, playing fetch in the park, and more. Often, they are left chained without proper food, water, or shelter, and aren’t given adequate veterinary care. 

Countless dogs confined to the end of a chain have been found dead from heatstroke, dehydration, hypothermia, strangulation, and more. In Knoxville, Tennessee, two dogs died after they were unable to reach food or water. Their body temperatures reached 104.6 and 107.7 degrees Fahrenheit, according to veterinarians who examined them. In Lee County, Florida, one pitbull who was strangling broke her teeth while after attempting to free herself from a painful chain. In another instance, Buddy, a senior dog chained in Detroit, Michigan, froze to death when he was forced to stay outside all winter long. All of these deaths could have been avoided if the dogs weren’t confined to a chain in the first place.

Chained dogs are vulnerable to aggressive wild animals or free-roaming dogs who might attack them, and cruel people who could seriously harm or kill them. They’re forced to urinate and defecate in the same area where they eat and sleep, and they often live in filth.  They may continuously bark from boredom or frustration, and they often lunge or pull against the chain, which can cause painful cuts on their neck.

Dogs are social and sensitive animals who belong inside with their families—not chained up like inanimate objects in the backyard.

Please sign today to pledge to never leave a dog chained or tethered, and share this pledge with your family and friends to urge them to do the same.  Then, take a moment to contact your elected officials and ask for them to ban chaining dogs within your area. Feel free to use this template as a guide!