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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: https://www.speaker.gov/contact // Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck

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PETITION TARGET: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer

UPDATE (2/13/2023): Unfortunately, this bill died Dec. 31, 2020. We thank everyone who signed our petition, and we will keep doing all we can to advocate for animals! –Lady Freethinker Staff


After suffering unimaginable abuse, traumatized animals seized in federal dogfighting and cruelty cases often languish in limbo for months —  or even years — at overburdened shelters.

Many dogs experience extreme stress and develop behavioral problems while enduring indefinite delays to their recovery and placement in loving forever homes while the suspected abusers’ cases work through the federal court system.

The recently reintroduced Help Extract Animals from Red Tape (HEART) Act would speed up the rehabilitation and rehoming process for animal victims in federal cruelty cases by shortening the time they must be held as “evidence.” The legislation also would hold the animals’ former guardians financially responsible for their care.

Dogfighting is a felony in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, but it continues to happen in every part of our nation.

These abused dogs exploited in violent and brutal dog fights deserve justice, and it’s time to make this legislation a reality.

Sign this petition urging Congress to support this crucial bill, securing a safer and more secure future for cruelty and dogfighting survivors.