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Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon - https://speaker.asmdc.org/contact-anthony

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PETITION TARGET: California Senate; CA Governor Jerry Brown

UPDATE: SUCCESS! This resolution passed in September 2018. We thank everyone who signed our petition urging the passing of this resolution. We’ll keep doing all we can to advocate for a more compassionate world. —Lady Freethinker


A new California resolution could help shape the future of the way America eats, reducing animal suffering while improving the health of people and the planet. Let’s help this game-changing legislation pass.

Resolution ACR 279 — introduced by San Jose Assemblymember Ash Kalra — encourages people to “include more healthy plant-based foods in their diet.” If passed, it could help ease the suffering of many of the billions of animals forced into warehouse-like conditions, mutilated and slaughtered in the brutal factory farming industry.

If even a small portion of California’s nearly 40 million residents swap just some of their meat-based meals for plant-based alternatives, countless animals would be spared from suffering.

With the world’s population rising by 1.1 percent every year – estimated to reach 9.8 billion by 2050 – the damage to the planet by meat production is immense. For example, the agricultural industry uses a massive 70 percent of the world’s fresh water; one-third of that is used to grow the grains that feed farm animals. And an astonishing 70 percent or more of the grain grown in the U.S. is fed to livestock.

This legislation could help educate millions on the health, environmental and humane benefits of plant-based eating, spurring more conscious and compassionate decisions by consumers.

Sign this petition calling upon California’s government leaders to pass this important resolution, and lead the way to healthier, more humane eating across the globe.