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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy


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PETITION TARGET: United States Senate and President

UPDATE: Victory! This bill has now been signed into law. Thank you to everyone who raised their voices for the animals!


Did you know that under federal US law, there is no punishment for heinous acts of animal cruelty such as crushing, burning, drowning, suffocation, impaling and even bestiality?

Only state cruelty laws apply, making it impossible to prosecute at a federal level or charge animal torturers if the location of the crime is unclear.

But a new bill could change that. The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act would make it a federal crime to inflict animal torture or abuse everywhere that the federal government has jurisdiction. Animal torture would finally become a felony under United States law.

This is the first law that would make animal cruelty illegal at the federal level and enable the FBI and other US law enforcement agencies to pursue the perpetrators.

Previously, the bill passed unanimously in the Senate twice, but was blocked in the House by former Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va. With Goodlatte now out of Congress, it’s time to finally pass this important legislation.

Sign this petition urging government leaders to strongly support the PACT Act to help stop the  torture of animals, ensuring that those who harm innocent animals anywhere in the US may be caught and punished.