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Andy Beshear, Attorney General of Kentucky: Contact Page: https://ag.ky.gov/Pages/contact.aspx
Personal Campaign Website: [email protected]

Also call for email of commonwealth attorney for Grayson County: https://ag.ky.gov/safeguarding-kentuckians/commonwealths-and-county-attorneys

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PETITION TARGET: Andy Beshear, Attorney General of Kentucky

UPDATE: Suspect Charles Weedman was sentenced to two weeks in jail, 180 months of probation, and given a $193 fine. He is not allowed to own an animal during that time period. While we are please he will serve some jail time, it is a shame this case was not treated with the severity it deserved.


In an act of despicable cruelty, Charles Weedman of Leitchfield, Kentucky shocked witnesses as he drove along the highway with an innocent one-year old pitbull attached to a chain dragging from his truck. The pitbull, named Khaleesi, suffered gruesome injuries and her legs were skinned nearly to the bone by the friction against the road. Her stomach was badly scraped and her toenails were completely torn out, leaving her paws raw and bloody.

Had someone not stopped Weedman, the young pitbull would have died in excruciating agony. When confronted, Weedman claimed he forgot he had Khaleesi chained to his truck.

Khaleesi was the pet of his daughter and son-in-law, Cory and Chelsie Snell. Cory had previously been charged with animal abuse and had lost custody of Khaleesi.

After this brutal ordeal, Khaleesi is currently in the loving care of the Leitchfield Animal Shelter, recovering from her wounds.

Weedman’s court date is scheduled for October 25th at Grayson County District Court. Sign this petition to urge Andy Beshear, the Attorney General of Kentucky, along with the prosecuting attorney of this case, to call for a fitting sentence and ensure this man never owns or has protective custody over an animal again.