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Queensland Department of Youth Justice: https://www.youthjustice.qld.gov.au/contact-us/department-contacts

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PETITION TARGET: Queensland Department of Youth Justice

In a horrifying attempt to “impress” her Snapchat followers, a 17-year-old female filmed herself drowning three innocent kittens in Queensland, Australia, as the helpless animals desperately struggled for air, according to The Sun.

The perpetrator carried out the heinous act as her followers pleaded with her to let the kittens live. She allegedly wanted to kill the animals “while they’re young,” attempting to justify her sickening actions by claiming that her home does not have room for more cats, the Daily Mail reported.

After drowning the kittens, the teen reportedly admitted to her disturbing actions.

Yes, I killed them,” she said. “Who gives a f**k?

Police arrested the suspect, whose case will be handled in juvenile court, for violating the Animal Care and Protection Act by failing to provide care. Showing no signs of remorse, the individual responsible for brutally killing helpless kittens and broadcasting the crime on social media must answer for her actions.

Sign this petition urging the Queensland Department of Youth Justice to call for a complete psychological evaluation of the perpetrator and a ban on ever having animals in her care again.