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University of Louisville Police Department: https://louisville.edu/police/email-us; Student Affairs: [email protected]; Louisville Police Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel: https://www.louisville-police.org/FormCenter/About-Us-4/Email-the-Chief-43

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PETITION TARGET: Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney

UPDATE (8/2/2023): An individual has pleaded guilty to one charge of animal cruelty and was sentenced by a judge to 94 days of time served since his arrest, during which he was not allowed to have contact with animals. We thank everyone who signed our petition for these chicks and we will keep advocating for animals! —Lady Freethinker Staff


Multiple baby chicks reportedly were roasted alive inside an air fryer by a college student attending the University of Louisville in Kentucky.

The college student allegedly filmed videos of pouring seasoning on the alive chicks and then cooking them. Other videos showed a chick in the microwave, deceased chicks hanging from the ceiling, and a dead chick inside the air fryer, according to news reports.

The student posted the videos online, where they spread quickly and sparked outrage. The individual, reportedly an engineering student, has denied the chicks were real and claimed they were robots; however, viewers aren’t falling for those claims, according to news reports.

A student turned himself in and has since been charged with second-degree animal cruelty. Officials transported him to Louisville Metro Corrections while his case is pending, according to news reports.

It’s crucial that this horrific case of intentional cruelty be treated with the severity it deserves. The link between intentional acts of fatal violence against animals and human abuse is well documented.

Sign our petition urging prosecutors to take this case seriously — including any needed intervention services, such as anger management and intensive counseling, and also a maximum ban on owning or being around animals.