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Marion County Prosecutor’s Office: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Marion County Prosecutor’s Office

UPDATE: On March 5, 2019, Gordon Turentine received a one-year probation sentence and a day of jail credit. Turentine must also undergo classes aimed at correcting the tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend.


As temperatures dropped to minus 11 degrees Fahrenheit in Indiana, a loyal dog was reportedly left alone outside to freeze to death — and her rigid, emaciated corpse thrown into the dumpster like trash.

Provided only a basic wooden dog house with a dirty towel draped over the entrance, the elderly dog had no chance of survival in the icy conditions. It’s unclear exactly how long she was outdoors, but her water bowl had frozen solid.

After an anonymous tip, police discovered the body of the dog, who had died overnight during wind chill temperatures of minus 35 degrees.

Police reported that the owner was aware of the freezing conditions and had been asked to bring the dog indoors by the owner of the property, but failed to do so.

The 62-year-old suspect has since been arrested and faces charges of animal cruelty and abandonment. It is now crucial to prevent him from harming any more animals.

Sign this petition urging the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law, and call for a lifetime ban on ever keeping an animal in his care.