Not many animals (or humans, for that matter) can swallow a steak knife and live to tell (or bark?) about it. But Lexi is no ordinary puppy.

Lexi’s only visible symptom was an upset stomach. Fortunately, when her family noticed her throwing up, they took her to vet. They could have never guessed what surprise they were in for — Lexi had swallowed a steak knife. And it was 8 inches long.

Clearly, surgery was the only option. Lexi was rushed to Animal Referral Hospital, and placed under the care of Dr. Jody Braddock and her team.

dog swallows knife


In a harrowing, 45-minute procedure, the knife was painstakingly pulled from Lexi’s digestive tract using forceps. The team’s skill and patience paid off — stunningly, Lexi survived.

puppy swallows knife survives


Thanks to her capable medical team and caring family, Lexi is expected to make a full recovery from the ordeal. Her owners will now keep a watchful eye over the puppy, who is known to hide household items under the couch and play with them when she thinks nobody’s watching (no one knows for sure, but that may be how she ended up swallowing the knife in the first place).

Watch the video to see the incredible story unfold: