A horrifying proposal to slaughter Wyoming’s wild horses for human “food” thankfully now is dead — and hopefully will never again be revived!
Thank you to the more than 42,000 people who signed our petition advocating for these innocent and iconic animals!
House Joint Resolution 3 (HR3), proposed by Rep. John Winter, would have allowed Wyoming’s wild horses to be rounded up and then sent to slaughterhouses for human “consumption” elsewhere in the world.
The bill passed the House in February but thankfully was killed by a 2-2 vote in the Senate Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Committee.
The “no” votes came from Wyoming Sen. John Kolb and Sen. Larry Hicks, who said legislators needed to focus on science and education.
“This is not what I feel is the most effective thing that the State of Wyoming can do,” Hicks said.
We are so grateful that this legislation did not pass and that wild horses are at least a bit safer now! We’ll keep doing all we can for animals everywhere.