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UPDATE (1/9/2024): VICTORY! South Korea has just officially banned the dog meat trade nationwide. This new law will save over 1 million dogs a year from being farmed and sold for consumption. 

This victory follows many years of anti-dog meat trade campaigning from activists within South Korea and around the world — including Lady Freethinker.

Lady Freethinker has documented the brutal conditions in dog meat facilities over the course of multiple investigations, distributed global petitions, and sponsored bus and taxi ads calling to end the industry. Partnering with local group Save Korean Dogs, our campaigns led to the closure of two dog meat auctions.

Lady Freethinker applauds South Korea for implementing legislation that will prevent the suffering of millions of dogs. This victory for dogs would not have been possible without the incredible collective action of animal lovers in South Korea and across the globe. We are grateful for everyone who signed petitions, protested, donated, and otherwise spoke out against the cruel industry.



South Korea is the only country in the world with large-scale, commercial dog meat farms. The animals live in disease and filth, and at slaughter are often hanged and electrocuted before being butchered, dying excruciatingly painful deaths.

Most of the dogs are killed and eaten in the form of boshintang, or dog meat soup, during Boknal — which occurs over three days believed to be the hottest of the year. The dog meat is wrongly thought to have a “cooling effect” — even though in other parts of the world, it is believed to have the opposite effect, and is eaten in winter instead.

If we do nothing, the hottest days of summer will continue to bring the gruesome Boknal Dog Eating Days, when millions of dogs are strung up, hung by the neck and killed slowly and painfully for meat.

Activists throughout S. Korea are calling for an end to dog and cat meat, which is not only horrifically cruel, but tarnishes their international reputation. Most S. Koreans do not eat dog meat, and want the cruelty to end.

It’s time to finally end this cruel trade for good.

Sign this petition to urge the South Korean General Assembly and President Yoon Suk Yeol to show the world they are a great and compassionate nation, and work to end all dog and cat meat in the nation.