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Maltese Ambassador to the United States Keith Azzopardi; [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Maltese Ambassador to the United States Keith Azzopardi

UPDATE (3/10/2022): Bestiality is now a crime that carries penalties of up to three years in jail and fines of between €2,000 and €6,000. Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis said legal amendments to existing laws would prohibit people from subjecting animas to acts not within their nature— including sex with humans, according to the Times-Malta. We thank everyone who signed our petition demanding that such cruel behavior be outlawed. —Lady Freethinker Staff


Animals in Malta are at an increased risk of sexual assault from humans, as the island nation does not have an explicit ban on bestiality.

As one of only a few remaining countries to legally allow sex with animals, Malta could become a perverse tourist destination for people who seek to engage in bestiality, Etienne Savona, Ph.D., a lawyer who wrote a proposal to ban the sickening practice, told Lovin Malta. Dogs, horses, cats are reportedly the species most at risk.

Recently, a Maltese sheep farmer caught a man having sexual relations with his flock after they “showed signs of being terrified,” according to TVM. The man was charged with gaining illegal entry into private property, but his horrifying act of cruelty toward the sheep is completely legal.

In addition to the gross abuse toward animals, bestiality carries the risk of spreading zoonotic diseases.

Malta must update its outdated laws and criminalize sexual activities with animals.

Sign this petition urging Maltese Ambassador to the United States Keith Azzopardi to push for his country to ban bestiality, protecting helpless animals from suffering and abuse.