Four sweet rescued alpacas are settling into a happy new home at a sanctuary – with help from Lady Freethinker.

The alpacas were previously being used in a 4-H program until their caregivers reportedly lost interest in them. Our friends at Happy Compromise Farm + Sanctuary (HCF+S) in New York stepped up and took the animals in. 

The boys – Triton, Neptune, Marven, and Poseidon – were a timid group when they first arrived to their new home. Slowly but surely, the boys gained confidence. Now, their personalities are shining!

Triton is the oldest and calmest of the boys, at ten years old. Neptune is silly and adores Triton in particular. Marven is sweet and loves to give people kisses. Poseidon is a sassy boy and loves to spin and jump in the water! Neptune, Marven, and Poseidon are each eight years old. Like most alpacas, they are a tightly-knit pack of friends.

“They are silly, happy boys with so many good days ahead of them,” HCF+S shared in an update.

The alpacas frolic freely in the grass, jump for joy, and play in the water – which they seem to have a special affinity for. They eagerly trot over when they spot somebody with a hose in hand, ready to jump around under the water. 

Their confidence has soared and the boys seem very happy with their new home. Now they enjoy playing under the wide open sky in green pastures with wildflowers. They bask in the sun and companionship of their best friends. And they have a brand-new barn stall to cozy up in at night, where they can sleep soundly — knowing they will never be exploited again.

The new alpaca stall was made possible because of repairs to the barn — which Lady Freethinker helped sponsor. Before the repairs, two stone walls in the barn were crumbling. The walls held up parts of the barn which shelter 22 animals — and with nowhere else for the large animals to call home, the repairs were an emergency.

side by side images of repaired barn with happy sheep and a cow

Courtesy of HCF+S

“Because of LFT’s generosity we are able to complete this stall, which is why we were able to rescue the alpacas as our other alpaca boys’ stall is currently full,” Eryn, the Co-Founder + Executive Director of HCF+S said when the project began.

alpaca boys in a new barn

Courtesy of Happy Compromise Farm + Sanctuary

The sanctuary is home to over a hundred animals – some who have been helped by Lady Freethinker grants in the past, including the cow twins Titus and Tabitha.

Lady Freethinker applauds our friends at Happy Compromise Farm + Sanctuary for providing a home to innocent animals like Triton, Neptune, Marven, and Poseidon – and we celebrate everyone who helped make this project possible.