Lady Freethinker has taken our concerns about a rodeo planned to come to San Diego’s Petco Park in 2024 directly to the legislators who could stop it.

At the San Diego City Council’s most recent meeting, LFT Operations Director Dana Short urged leadership to cancel plans for the rodeo scheduled for January.

Short explained that animals used in rodeos – such as baby cows, horses, and bulls – often suffer fatal injuries, including from heart attacks, broken backs and necks, and aneurysms. Cows, who are normally docile and gentle animals, are often zapped with electric prods so they’ll charge out of the chute, and baby cows often have their necks twisted when they’re violently slammed to the ground.

You can listen to the whole public comment below.

More than 33,000 people have signed Lady Freethinker’s petition urging San Diego leadership to cancel the rodeo and forbid the cruel spectacles from coming to the city.

Countless San Diego residents also are speaking up against rodeos, too. Two animal protection groups, Animal Protection and Rescue League and Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, have also sued in an effort to stop the rodeo from taking place at Petco Park, alleging the company involved in the event uses electric prods and similar devices to shock the terrified animals.

The San Diego County Democratic Central Committee is also calling on the city to ban the upcoming rodeo, citing animal cruelty concerns.

We thank everyone who has signed our petition to help get the rodeo canceled! If you haven’t signed already please do so now and share the link with your friends and family!

SIGN: Keep Rodeo Cruelty Out of San Diego