In a move that reeks of a swamp, elites can buy a chance to spend some trophy-hunting time with president’s children. A celebration of Donald’s inauguration, the “Camouflage and Cufflinks” event, offered buyers a hunting outing with Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump.
The two auctioned off spots for up to $1 million, according to a draft of the invitation released by TMZ and fact checked by Politico.
For $1 million you could get the Bald Eagle Package, a private reception for you and your guests with Trump’s sons plus a multi-day hunting and fishing excursion. Other packages include the $500,000 Grizzly Bear, $250,000 Elk, $100,000 Marlin…and it goes on from there. Ironically, the invitation claims proceeds will go to conservation organizations. See a draft of the invite here.

Donald Trump’s ties to business and special interests have already raised ethical questions as he steps into the role of leader of the United States — and catering to billionaires by the Trump family the day after inauguration makes the president’s promise to govern “for the people” and not the elites appear hollow, at the least.