In great news for dogs, England will soon join the ever-growing list of countries that have banned dog shock collars.
The country recently passed a new law, following a 10-year campaign, that forbids remote electric shock collars from being used starting on February 1, 2024, according to news reports.
Dog shock collars are notoriously cruel, having been known to cause dogs physical pain and distress. The collars transmit electric shocks of up to 6,000 volts – which can last up to 11 seconds at a time – to dogs’ necks through a remote that can be pressed from up to two miles away.
Shock collars often teach dogs to become fearful, which can cause the animals to act more aggressively. Shock collars also have been know to lead to depression and anxiety in dogs.
“Even when applied at a low level, electric pulses from these aversive shock collars can produce that anxiety reaction in dogs and may also have long-term adverse effects on their behaviour and emotional responses,” said Daniella Dos Santos, the past president of the British Veterinary Association. “In any case, there is a large body of evidence that positive training methods are more effective.”
Several countries across the world already have banned shock collars, including Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Wales.
We at Lady Freethinker are thrilled this humane legislation was passed and hope other countries will pass similar laws. We also urge dog guardians everywhere to practice compassionate training methods where dogs are rewarded for good behavior.