A white Australian shepherd – who looked like he had a gunshot wound on his face – is now fully recovered and living out his happy ending with his adoptive family, according to KDVR.

After roaming the Denver streets for months and evading capture efforts, residents were deeply concerned that the dog had been a victim of a shooting.

Thankfully, the community’s collective effort enabled them to catch the dog and bring him to the Denver Animal Shelter. 

Seven months later, the dog, Solo Vino, has fully recovered and is left with only a tiny scar on his nose. 

His guardians, Jonathan Alesso and James Mikula, say he is curious, full of energy, and friendly. After deciding they wanted to be foster parents, Solo came into their lives, and a medical foster blossomed into a permanent family member.

White dog and guardians

Courtesy of Denver Animal Shelter

Solo’s guardians said that he was shy in the beginning – but about three weeks in, he started to come out of his shell. During his recovery, he needed to wear a muzzle and cone for a couple of months while his jaw fractures healed, and take numerous medications.

They now describe their once “antisocial” companion as someone who enjoys lavishing people with licks and receiving pets. 

“I just encourage anyone, if you see a stray dog in the neighborhood, if you see an injured dog, please contact the shelter,” said Alesso. “They’re there to help.”

Lady Freethinker commends the Denver Animal Shelter for its incredible efforts and encourages anyone who sees an animal in need in Denver to contact them.