In heartening news for beloved rescue animals all over the world, the White House has welcomed its first-ever shelter dog!

Major, a 2-year-old German Shepherd who used to call the Delaware Humane Association home, and Champ, a senior dog, recently joined newly-elected U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House.

Several years after purchasing Champ the Bidens adopted Major in 2018. Animal lovers eagerly praised both dogs’ arrival at the White House following Major’s virtual “indoguration,” courtesy of the shelter the couple adopted him from.

Biden began campaigning for a First Dog during his own bid for the presidency.

“Some Americans celebrate #NationalCatDay, some celebrate #NationalDogDay,” he tweeted in October 2019. “It’s time we put a pet back in the White House.”

Major “shows the real possibilities for what could happen for all the great dogs who need homes out there,” Delaware Humane Association executive director Patrick Carroll told the New York Times.

The former vice president spent more than an hour at the shelter the day he adopted Major, despite being extraordinarily busy, Carroll recalled.

While past presidential dogs have been widely celebrated — including George W. Bush’s furry friend, Barney, and Barack Obama’s Portuguese water dog, Bo — Major marks a significant milestone that hopefully convinces the nation that shelter dogs need love too.