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PETITION TARGET: Clonmel Garda Superintendent William Leahy

UPDATE (3/28/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 24,000 people, to the Clonmel Garda. Unfortunately, despite multiple checks back, we’ve received no response back from any of the investigating agencies about whether anyone was held accountable for this heinous act. We thank everyone who signed our petition, and we’ll keep doing all we can for animals. —Lady Freethinker Staff


In an appalling act of animal abuse, two men in Clonmel, Ireland made a Shetland pony haul a cart in hot weather until it dropped from exhaustion. Then, the men forcibly dragged the collapsed animal down the side of the road. One man dragged the body while the other pulled the helpless pony’s tail.

When a concerned onlooker confronted the men, they hurled large rocks at her car, which had a baby inside.

No animal should be worked to the point of falling over, let alone dragged down the hard, rough road. This cruelty to an innocent pony must not be tolerated.

Sign this petition urging the Clonmel Gardai to make every effort to find the criminals behind this disturbing act, bring them to justice and bar them from ever having an animal again.

Anyone with information 0n this case, please contact Clonmel Garda Station at 052 6177640 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.