A 15-year-old cat named Cosmo has returned home to his family two years after he went missing, according to WATE 6.

The elderly orange and white cat wandered off from his home in Seymour, Tenn. just weeks after his feline sibling passed away. His family feared that Cosmo had disappeared as a result of his grief or his own demise.

According to Sevier Animal Care Center, Cosmo’s family searched for him for two years without success – until recently when the family received some unbelievable news. A delivery driver had found the lost cat wandering through the neighborhood, not far from Cosmo’s own home.

The driver brought him to Sevier Animal Care Center. Although Cosmo was a little underweight, he was miraculously healthy and ready for his guardians to bring him home at last.

“They were at first dumbfounded, but then beside themselves with happiness,” Sevier Animal Care Center Shelter Director Ashley Thomas said. “They were definitely crying happy tears.”

Sevier Animal Care Center was able to identify the cat’s family and get in touch with them because Cosmo was microchipped. Alongside a photo of the happy family reunited, the shelter encouraged everyone to microchip their animals. 

“Only 6% of cats nationwide get reclaimed once they are brought into an animal shelter,” a shelter representative wrote on Facebook. “For dogs that number is around 11%.”

After suffering the loss of a feline sibling and getting separated from the rest of his family, it is beautiful to see Cosmo delivered safely into loving arms once again. This elderly cat can now live out his golden years in the comfort of his own home.

Lady Freethinker applauds the compassionate driver who found Cosmo – as well as the shelter employees and everyone else who helped the cat find his way home again.