Wisconsin cows, pigs, chickens and other farmed animals kept important protections thanks to Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers who vetoed the horrible “Protect Our Farms” Act that would have limited local control of animal welfare on farms.

The bill was supported by Wisconsin’s factory farms — operations which force thousands of animals into tiny, filthy, inhumane settings with little room to move, care for their young, socialize, or partake in other natural behaviors. The bill also passed through Wisconsin’s state legislature, but was stopped by Governor Evers, who shared concerns about removing animal protections, as reported by Wisconsin Public Radio.

If passed, the Wisconsin bill would have prevented local governments from being able to require more stringent animal welfare standards than what state laws require.

The proposed bill also raised concerns about allowing for inhumane businesses like puppy mills, as it prohibited restricting the types of animals raised in agricultural-zoned areas.

Governor Evers vetoed the bill for several reasons, including objecting “to removing animal welfare standards from local authorities” and “revoking animal-related ordinances that were already in place,” according to a statement. This included not allowing communities to require specific types of animal care — like vaccinations or medications — that were not required by the state.

Finally, he voiced concern that passing the bill could result in local municipalities not pursuing animal welfare laws. Such inaction would have devastating impacts not only for farmed animals, but for all kinds of animal-related cruelty incidents that could go unprosecuted.

Lady Freethinker applauds Governor Evers as well as the thousands who signed our petition discouraging the passage of this bill that placed profits over protections.