Freddie, a Labrador mix, was rescued by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) after he tumbled 14 feet into the Thames River below.

The frightened dog reportedly fell from a wall into the Tilbury Fort section of the well-known English river. In a Facebook video posted by the RNLI, Freddie was heard crying while clawing at the wall. He stood on a tiny ledge, his entire bottom half submerged in the water.

With the tide still rising for another 10 minutes, Freddie was in desperate need of immediate help. Fortunately, the RNLI’s Gravesend lifeboat station was so close that the boat arrived within 60 seconds, as reported by local news.

After safely getting him into the boat and wrapping him in a warm towel, the crew brought him to the shore. Freddie was then reunited with his guardian, who had been anxiously watching from the wall.

“It’s always a great feeling to witness the reuniting of a dog with its owner,” crewmember Aaron Reynolds said. “Especially after jumping a 14ft wall into a wet landing in the Thames!”

Many animals have been rescued after falling into bodies of water like the Thames — in 2022, the RNLI rescued 164 dogs alone in the United Kingdom.

Dogs are intelligent animals who understand far more than many people realize — but even they can get spooked, stumble, or fall off walls or cliffs. To help keep your loved ones safe from potential falls or drowning, it’s recommended to keep your companion animal on a secure leash and harness and be extra cautious near cliffs or fast-flowing water.

Lady Freethinker applauds the RNLI crew for getting to Freddie and bringing him to safety as quickly as possible.

For another uplifting story, read about how a stray dog was rescued after getting stuck in a bridge over a canal.