You may have found a baby bird who looks injured, or perhaps a turtle hit by a car.  You can’t just walk away, but you don’t know where to turn.  Well, there’s a downloadable iPhone and Android app and a website who provide the resources to contact in wildlife emergencies like these.

It’s called Animal Help Now, and it enables you to get in touch with a group or organization in your area who can direct you on how to proceed.  All you have to do is enter your address in the box on top, and then click on the button for the type of emergency – Wildlife Emergency, Wildlife Conflict or Other Animal Issue.  A drop-down menu even breaks it down into the species you’re looking to help, such as skunk, reptile or bird.  There’s also a map that pinpoints details of where the registered helpers are located.

Injured pigeon

Injured and starving pigeon delivered to a wildlife rehabilitator through Animal Help Now.

The website states right up front that it may not be the best idea for you to handle a wild animal, and not to handle one who appears sick, or is behaving abnormally.  To always wear gloves in handling wildlife.  And to definitely be aware of laws regarding interaction and transport of wild animals.  The site also lists only those wildlife control operations who employ humane methods, and suggest that you,

“Always inform any wildlife control operation you work with that you are interested only in humane solutions for your conflict.”

They stress that in their experience, if it’s a small animal and it appears uninjured, reuniting them with their parent is the best approach.

AHN assist with many thousands of animal emergencies each year.  They list some amazing suggestions here for people who find baby owls, baby bobcats, baby squirrels, etc.  For example, if you find a baby squirrel and it’s bleeding or is covered in fly eggs, it should be taken to an experienced wildlife rehabilitator.  But if it appears uninjured and is smaller than 6″, it may just have been separated from its mom or fallen from a tree, and the steps to reunite them are listed on the site.  Their Youtube video also walks you through the steps to get help.

AHN is part of Animal Watch, a nonprofit organization.

If you’re an experienced animal welfare organization who uses humane methods, AHN would love to hear from you to add you to their contact list.  Call (303) 543-0755 or email