A stunning new documentary from the Wild Beauty Foundation and filmmaker Ashley Avis investigates the plight of wild horses in the United States who are being inhumanely rounded up and eradicated from Western public lands.
“Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West” looks at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s use of helicopters to cruelly gather federally-protected wild horses — operations that typically result in herd family separations as well as death and serious injuries, including broken bones, snapped necks, and lacerations.
Avis and her crew embarked on a multi-year investigation covering more than 20,000 miles and 13 states to uncover why wild horses are being massively removed from public lands after she wrote, edited, and directed Disney +’s “Black Beauty,” which inspired her to dive into advocacy work for domestic and wild horses.
What the team uncovered “should terrify every single American who cares about wild horses,” one featured speaker said in the documentary’s official trailer.
“Fast disappearing and on a path toward eradication, wild horses in America are caught in a divisive battle over land and special interests,” the documentary’s synopsis reads. “Rounded up by helicopters, losing their natural habitat, and separated from their families, wild horses are in danger of fading away into history.”
“Wild Beauty“ is available on Prime Video, Blu Ray, and DVD now: Check out your options for learning more about this film and the plight of wild horses here.
People also can take action for wild horses through The Wild Beauty Foundation’s website, which has several action items including a pledge people can sign and an email template to legislators in support of H.R. 3656, which would ban helicopter roundups in the United States.