British couple Chloe Henley and Alex Jewkes were on vacation in the Philippines when they saw a malnourished, flea-ridden puppy who was so exhausted, he took a few steps and collapsed. The puppy was tied to a lamppost surrounded by broken glass.

When the couple failed to persuade the puppy’s owner to feed him or even give him water, they offered to buy him. The owner was so eager to get rid of the puppy, he handed him over for free. They named him Peso.

Henley and Jewkes are trying to get permission from the government for Peso to be flown to the UK, where his forever home awaits.

In the meantime, Peso is doing much better. Before this footage of his first encounter with grass was filmed, he had only ever walked on rubble. Peso’s heartwarming reaction to the grass reminds us not to take the small things in life for granted.