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YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki @SusanWojcicki or https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-wojcicki-b136a99/

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PETITION TARGET: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki

UPDATE (1/22/21): Months later, the channel was finally been removed from YouTube, but plenty of animal cruelty remains on its video-sharing platform. Thank you to the almost 40,o00 people who signed our petition! We must continue to pressure the company until all animal torture is removed. Make sure to sign our new petition if you haven’t already! —Lady Freethinker Staff


A terrified baby monkey lies shivering and curled up in a ball, while people prod the poor creature’s head and pull the animal’s little ears for their own amusement. Desperately trying to escape, the tiny monkey cries out in terror from the abuse just before the laughing tormentors snatch the poor animal from the ground by his neck.

This video was made available on YouTube, and the person who posted this baby monkey abuse wrote, “Some of my customers were having [a] fun time with the baby monkey that was newly confiscated from its mother.”

Some viewers clearly enjoyed the torture and called for the innocent monkey to be abused further.

Hang it by the feet and whip it with a wire,” one commenter wrote. “… should have thrown it [like] a ball hard at a tree,” wrote another.

This isn’t an isolated case of monkey abuse. The channel features dozens of vile animal abuse videos. Lady Freethinker reported the channel to YouTube, yet it remains up — and has been posting since 2012.

By permitting these videos on their platform, YouTube is complicit in promoting animal cruelty.

Sign this petition to urge YouTube to remove videos that glorify clear acts of animal cruelty, notify local law enforcement, and ensure the people who upload these shocking clips are forever barred from posting on their site.