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Speaker of the House Rep Joe Tate - [email protected] | Majority Floor Leader Abrahan Aiyash - [email protected] | Also email: [email protected] and [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Michigan Legislators

UPDATE (12/18/2024): Despite support and efforts by the community, Protect MI Pet didn’t collect enough signatures to get on the 2024 ballot.

Lady Freethinker (LFT) thanks the over 29,000 people who signed our petition, asking Michigan legislators to take action and create an animal abuse registry for those convicted of animal cruelty.  –Lady Freethinker Staff


Cases of animal abuse, neglect, beating, and cruelty have skyrocketed in Michigan over recent years, according to news.

A Genesee County sheriff has seen far too much animal cruelty and has had enough. He has been outspoken about making a change through new legislation that will develop a statewide Animal Abuse Registry in Michigan.

“I can beat a dog to death in Grand Rapids and come over to Genesee County and adopt a dog the next day after I get convicted,” Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson told MLive.

Under the proposed legislation, those who beat, abuse, and kill animals will be placed on the a public registry called Protect MI Pet, viewable by shelters, pet stores, and private sellers, as a means of screening potential animal adopters to prevent convicted offenders from being able to obtain another companion animal.

In addition, the prospective law would allow companion animals whose guardians’ criminal cases are pending in court to be rehomed within 22 days of the first probable cause hearing, in contrast to the current system that forces these animals to remain in shelters until criminal proceedings are complete.

Sheriff Swanson reported a case in which two dogs were held in a shelter for 861 days. “And when these animals are rescued, get them out of the cages [and] get them to a home so they can regain their life,” he told news.

With bi-partisan support, legislators hope to have the Animal Abuse Registry on the 2024 legislative agenda for Michigan voters to approve.

In addition to protecting countless animals from repeated abuse, the proposed legislation could also prevent violence against people, as the link between harming animals and humans has been widely recognized and documented.

Please stand up for animals by signing our petition to urge legislators in Michigan to add this important initiative to the ballot in 2024 to protect both animals and humans from abuse and violence.