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Senate of Canada: [email protected]; House of Commons' Clerk of Petitions: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Senate of Canada and House of Commons

UPDATE (5/1/2023): Canada passed Bill C-47, which makes it illegal to sell cosmetics that rely on new animal testing data to establish product safety and also prohibits false and misleading labelling regarding the testing of cosmetics on animals! Thanks to everyone who signed our petition! – Lady Freethinker Staff


Rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters confined in labs have chemicals dripped into their eyes and rubbed onto their skin before they are mercilessly killed in cruel and unnecessary tests for people’s cosmetics — including makeup, nail polish, hair products, and more.

But this agonizing situation could change for animals in Canada if legislators pass a proposal being developed by Health Canada to amend the Food and Drugs Act to ban cosmetic testing on animals and all cosmetics that include animal-tested ingredients.

Numerous countries — including Britain and members of the European Union, which banned animal testing for cosmetics in 2013 — have shifted to more humane alternatives.

But more than four million animals are still used annually in cosmetic testing across Canada — despite numerous existing alternatives — said Dr. Charu Chandrasekera, executive director of the Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods.

This isn’t the first time Canada has considered a ban. In 2018, the Senate passed a similar bill, but it died in the House of Commons in 2019.

It’s crucial that the Canadian government follow in the footsteps of other world leaders and shift to a safer and more compassionate future for animals — and people — by quickly passing the proposed ban this time around.

Sign our petition urging the Canadian Senate and House of Commons to pass this critical legislation and join the more than 40 other countries that limit or ban cosmetics animal testing.